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I Screwed Up

Writer's picture: Jason QuinnJason Quinn

I messed up. I haven't been posting here. My intent is to provide weekly posts of helpful fitness content. The past several weeks, I haven't executed.

I'm restarting.

It's pretty similar to when you fall off your diet plan or workout regimen. You never intend to go off track. Life gets in the way and if you're not careful, you look up and a lot of time has gone by.

Also just like fitness stuff, it's really simple to get back on track. All you have to do is... get back on track.

You are never more than one meal away from being back on track.

You are never more than one workout away from being back on track.

And, uh, you're never more than one blog post away from being back on track.

There's no guilt. No failure. You set your mind and take one step back in the right direction. Really, that's it.

Feeling guilty about missing a workout (or several) or overeating one meal (or several) doesn't do you any good. It happened. There is zero you can do to change the past, unless you know the Avengers. Focusing on something you can't change just wastes more time.

Instead, concentrate on what you can do now.

There's no failure unless you quit. Nobody is perfect. Don't hold yourself to a standard you wouldn't hold anyone else to. If no one is perfect, that means everyone messes up. The important part about that is that it tells you, you're not alone. You don't have to be perfect.

Progress is real. Perfection isn't. If you can read this, you're alive, so the game isn't over. You can still achieve your goals.

You may be feeling like you're starting over. That can be intimidating.

The good news is, you're not starting over. You're not back to square one. Even if you think you are, you're not. There's a very simple reason:

You know more now than you did then.

That counts. It matters.

Even if you only followed your plan for one day before you fell off for three months, you know for a fact that you can do one day. If you can do one day, you can do it again. And if you can do it again, that means you can get back on track.

It's really that simple.

You're always just one decision away from being back on track.

You don't fail until you quit.

So let's go get it!

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Jason Quinn
Jason Quinn
May 21, 2019

Hi Sheliah!

Thanks for reading! Yes! Sharing your progress is awesome!


May 20, 2019

Thanks for sharing. Although I'm pretty good about getting in my fitness just about every day, I'm often in "do-over" mode with what I eat. It's small changes, though. At this stage, I try not to worry about it too much. Since I'm better at fitness...let's just say I like to stay with my strengths (pun intended), and continue to track my progress and what I'm doing or trying to do. But thanks for coming back!!!

Oh (I thought I was done), and that part about holding yourself to standards that you wouldn't hold anyone else to...well, I'm trying to do better with that also. I had wanted to start recording health and fitness videos on YouTube a while back,…

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